Welcome to CPRM:

The Committee for Patents and Related Matters

A Committee of the American Chemical Society, ACS

Education & Outreach

Empowering Chemistry Through Knowledge


Championing Innovation


Advocating for Equality

Committee for Patents and Related Matters CPRM

Who We Are

The CPRM is a Joint Board–Council Committee of the American Chemical Society, ACS.

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Committee for Patents and Related Matters CPRM

What We Do

The CPRM serves as a hub for ACS members and interested members of the public.

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Committee for Patents and Related Matters CPRM

How We Work

The CPRM meets semiannually at each ACS National Meeting. Both the Board and the Council of the ACS call upon CPRM to study and make recommendations on matters of importance to the ACS, especially as it relates to patents and related matters.

Our Focus Areas

Educating ACS members about intellectual property issues important to the chemical enterprise
Monitoring legislative and regulatory developments influencing intellectual property;
Disseminating information about the role of sponsored research and technology transfer
Nominating chemists and chemical engineers for national awards

Our Applications Cover Diverse Corporate Markets

CPRM Subcommittees

We’re organized in subcommittees to achieve our goals efficiently.